Adding array-based memory access to Triton

Demo code for this article:

In my previous post, we looked at a basic intro to binary analysis with Triton. In short, it allows us to take something like this:

push ebp
mov ebp, esp

mov eax, [ebp+8]
mov ecx, [ebp+12]
xor edx, edx
div ecx

mov ecx, [ebp+16]
add eax, ecx
add eax, edx

pop ebp
add esp, 8

and turn it into this

(arg_04 / arg_08) + (arg_04 % arg_08) + arg_0C

Fun stuff, huh. There is one thing that interests me that Triton wasn't designed to do, and that is treating symbols as arrays. Let's look at an example:

mov eax, [esp]
mov edx, [eax]
mov eax, [edx]
mov eax, [eax]

We've used a bunch of registers, but it's basically a lookup through a multi-level array. What happens when we put it through Triton? We get this:

Emulating 0x401000: mov eax, dword ptr [esp]
Emulating 0x401003: mov edx, dword ptr [eax]
Emulating 0x401005: mov eax, dword ptr [edx]
Emulating 0x401007: mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
Emulating 0x401009: ret
Instructions executed: 5
Expression tree:
{0: ref_0 = esp,
 3: ref_3 = ((((0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) # MOV operation - 0x401003: mov edx, dword ptr [eax],
 7: ref_7 = ((((0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) # MOV operation - 0x401007: mov eax, dword ptr [eax],
 9: ref_9 = ((((0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) # Program Counter - 0x401009: ret,
 10: ref_10 = ((ref_0 + 0x4) & 0xffffffff) # Stack alignment - 0x401009: ret}
Final state of eax:
((((0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0)
Final state of ebp:
Final state of esp:
((esp + 0x4) & 0xffffffff)

Huh. eax = 0. You can see it handles us setting a symbol name into esp, but it when we dereference a symbolic register it just defaults to 0. The lovely people on the Triton project tell me they've attempted to implement this in the engine, but this is still a work-in-progress. There's nothing to stop us shoehorning something in by ourselves though...

Remember our emulation loop looks like this:

    while pc:
        # Fetch opcode
        opcode = Triton.getConcreteMemoryAreaValue(pc, 16)

        # Create the Triton instruction
        instruction = Instruction()

        # Process
        count += 1

        print("Emulating %s" % (instruction))

        #print instruction

        if instruction.getType() == OPCODE.X86.RET:

        # Next
        pc = Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.eip)

Once we've called Triton.processing(), we're totally able to access both the details of the Instruction and the state of the TritonContext engine. Here's a quick and dirty way to handle use this to handle basic dereferences:

        if instruction.isMemoryRead():
            read_register, read_ast_node = instruction.getReadRegisters()[0]
            written_register, write_ast_node = instruction.getWrittenRegisters()[0]
            if read_ast_node.getType() == AST_NODE.REFERENCE:
                expression = read_ast_node.getSymbolicExpression()
                variable = expression.getAst().getSymbolicVariable()
                alias = variable.getAlias()
                newalias = "(%s)[0]" % alias
                Triton.symbolizeRegister(written_register, newalias)

This works fine with simple derefs like mov eax, [esp], and it's really up to us how we want to express these arrays that we're creating. Here's the end result:

$ python3
Emulating 0x401000: mov eax, dword ptr [esp]
Emulating 0x401003: mov edx, dword ptr [eax]
Emulating 0x401005: mov eax, dword ptr [edx]
Emulating 0x401007: mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
Emulating 0x401009: ret
Instructions executed: 5
Expression tree:
{6: ref_6 = ((esp)[0])[0],
 12: ref_12 = ((((esp)[0])[0])[0])[0],
 13: ref_13 = ((((0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) # Program Counter - 0x401009: ret,
 15: ref_15 = (esp)[0]}
Final state of eax:
Final state of ebp:
Final state of esp:

Some cool things about this:

  • Triton is smart enough to figure out when we've overwritten something. You'll note there are gaps in the reference numbers, this is because we override things (e.g. reusing eax, incrementing eip)
  • It only took a few lines of code but we can now handle nested dereferences without any real effort

Things to watch out for:

  • This dereferencing will work with mov instructions, but these aren't the only instructions that access memory (consider pop and lodsb for starters). Some of these other instructions will modify the pointer register, and we need to also handle incrementing/decrementing this and make sure we have some way of handling this
  • If we alter the register that we're dereferencing we need to find a way to handle this too.

Let's consider some code like this:

mov eax, [esp]
mov edx, [eax]
mov eax, [edx+8]
mov eax, [eax]
mov ebx, [eax+4]
mov ecx, [eax-4]

We get this for output:

$ python3
Emulating 0x401000: mov eax, dword ptr [esp]
Emulating 0x401003: mov edx, dword ptr [eax]
Emulating 0x401005: mov eax, dword ptr [edx + 8]
Emulating 0x401008: mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
Emulating 0x40100a: mov ebx, dword ptr [eax + 4]
Emulating 0x40100d: mov ecx, dword ptr [eax - 4]
Emulating 0x401010: ret
Instructions executed: 7
Expression tree:
{6: ref_6 = ((esp)[0])[0],
 12: ref_12 = ((((esp)[0])[0])[0])[0],
 15: ref_15 = (((((esp)[0])[0])[0])[0])[0],
 18: ref_18 = (((((esp)[0])[0])[0])[0])[0],
 19: ref_19 = ((((0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) # Program Counter - 0x401010: ret,
 21: ref_21 = (esp)[0]}
Final state of eax:
Final state of ebp:
Final state of esp:

Clearly this is wrong... so we need to add a little more smarts to our lookup code. The big thing is that we look at instruction.getReadRegisters() and this doesn't get us the offset, so we need to find a MemoryAccess object instead. Let's try this on for size:

        if instruction.isMemoryRead():
            memory_access, read__memory_ast_node = instruction.getLoadAccess()[0]
            read_register, read_register_ast_node = instruction.getReadRegisters()[0]
            written_register, write_register_ast_node = instruction.getWrittenRegisters()[0]
            if read_register.getName() != "unknown":
                expression = read_register_ast_node.getSymbolicExpression()
                expression_ast = expression.getAst()
                #import pdb
                if expression_ast.getType() == AST_NODE.VARIABLE:
                    variable = expression_ast.getSymbolicVariable()
                    alias = variable.getAlias()
                    displacement = memory_access.getDisplacement().getValue()
                    newalias = "(%s)[0x%x]" % (alias, displacement)
                    #newalias = "(%s)[0]" % alias
                    Triton.symbolizeRegister(written_register, newalias)
                elif expression_ast.getType() == AST_NODE.CONCAT:
                    import pdb
                    import pdb
                    raise Exception("Unexpected ast node")

And the output:

$ python3
Emulating 0x401000: mov eax, dword ptr [esp]
Emulating 0x401003: mov edx, dword ptr [eax]
Emulating 0x401005: mov eax, dword ptr [edx + 8]
Emulating 0x401008: mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
Emulating 0x40100a: mov ebx, dword ptr [eax + 4]
Emulating 0x40100d: mov ecx, dword ptr [eax - 4]
Emulating 0x401010: ret
Instructions executed: 7
Expression tree:
{6: ref_6 = ((esp)[0x0])[0x0],
 12: ref_12 = ((((esp)[0x0])[0x0])[0x8])[0x0],
 15: ref_15 = (((((esp)[0x0])[0x0])[0x8])[0x0])[0x4],
 18: ref_18 = (((((esp)[0x0])[0x0])[0x8])[0x0])[0xfffffffc],
 19: ref_19 = ((((0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) << 8 | 0x0) # Program Counter - 0x401010: ret,
 21: ref_21 = (esp)[0x0]}
Final state of eax:
Final state of ebx:
Final state of ecx:
Final state of ebp:
Final state of esp:

So this looks to handle nested memory reads, including indices. There's a little more to handle though, as I mentioned this still doesn't handle pop/lodsb style instructions, nor the more complicated mov eax, [ebx*4+ecx+12], but you can see how the pattern works.

I hope this was useful, have fun hacking!